Vinalhaven, Maine
The ferry to Vinalhaven departs from the Maine State Ferry Service in Rockland, ME. There are 6 departures daily beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m. in the summer and 3:15 pm in the winter. See Maine State Ferry Service website for ticket prices and Rockland parking info. Click here for the daily/seasonal ferry schedule. To save parking fees, bands are encouraged to car pool or park at the Rockland High School Parking lot vs. Maine State Ferry Parking Lot. The ferries leave on time so be sure to allow plenty of time to park.
Another option includes flying from Knox County Regional Airport via Penobscot Island Air.
Traveling from North Haven? Call Jeannie at Vinalhaven Taxi Service for a ride from the Thorofare to Vinalhaven’s village area. 207.720.0056
Lodging for band members (up to 4) is provided by Skål.
Other options include:
Please note, accommodations on the island fill up very quickly in the summer.